In Room 4 we have been learning about compass directions and how maps work here is mine. Argh me hearties if ye want to find me treasure follow these instructions. Start from me ship and then go 5 steps North and 5 steps to me volcano argh !!!Then from me volcano go 9 steps to me cave but beware of me pet bear,he's a feisty one!!! If ye didn´t get wounded go 4 steps to me smelly hut and ye be closer to me treasure argh !! Next ye go 7 steps to me swamp but don't get lost in the reeds!!! Then go 3 steps to me lake to have a drink of water but don't let the river monster catch you!! Next 3 steps to me forest but don't get lost because your close to me treasure!!! Barnacles you found me treasure so go 7 steps to a red X and discover all of the glory in me chest, you deserved it argh!!!
Hi Zoe,I'm Vasati.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of the last one (Napelly!) I wish I was there to see and laugh as well. Wich one was your favourite?