
Showing posts from October, 2019

My growth mindset poster

In room 3 we have been doing growth mindset posters.It was a lot of fun making them and this is how we did it. First we drew our design in our art book then our good copy on an A1 piece of paper and drew with pencil lightly. Then we had to go over it in sharpie ,we either had a choice to dye our poster or colour it with jovie but I dyed's what it 

The museum

In-room 3 we went to the museum to learn about the stars and Matariki. This was my first time going to a museum so I was super excited!! When we walked in it looked amazing and I couldn't wait to get started! As we walked into the Maori history exhibition we went into a room with a huge, black dome, when we were all inside the dome a lady called Afena turned of the lights in there and taught us about the stars and their names. Did you know that a compass will bring you to the wrong direction? It will actually bring you to a magnetic direction. We spent half an hour in the dome but it was very interesting.Then we went into another room with Maggie and went over with what we learned. Luckily we looked in the Maori section and there was a lot of ancient history there. When we had to go back to school I didn't want to but I have to say it was a great trip !!                                   ...

My 2D shape person

In room 3 We all made things out of 2D shapes and I made a person!It was really fun making them and taught me about new shapes and all of there sides and vertices.

silhouette art

In term 3 room 3 did silhouette art. First we did a practice sunset background. We had to blend the paint together to make it look effective. Next we thought of what picture we wanted and looked for it on our computer and printed it and cut it out.Then we did our good copy of our sunset  background and traced our  silhouette image on to the background.lastly we had to colour it in with our art pencil and then we would be finished.Here is what mine looks like!