
Practical learning

 For practical learning the last term we made head phone bags that we all hand stitched.This is what mine looks like... I chose  these patterns because I wanted an animal print on it and I was about to do candy but then I saw the owls. The trickiest part about making this bag was sewing on the letter Z because you had to go into all the gaps of the letter. The part  I  liked the most was when I was sewing on the cord because that was the last thing I did and I was almost finished! I am very proud of my head phone bag!!!

What Could We Do

 In room 15 one of our reading active learning tasks is what could we do ? I ts were we have to  repurpose glass and come up with three different ideas. Here are mine.

Visiting W.I.S

  Visiting W.I.S was really fun. We did hard materials/ wood work, music, cooking and my favorite class, science. Science was fun with all the electronics and creating fire from a lighted candle. This is me in music class.

Making A Waka

  For reading active learning I made a Waka. The most challenging thing to make was sticking on the flags because they kept falling over and it got very frustrating. The easiest thing to do was gather the materials because they were all in a box that you could grab them out of.It was a really fun thing to make and I suggest you give it a go to. 

Fact or Fiction?

Here are my 3 paragraphs describing my holiday experience. Can you guess which are fact and which are fiction 

Word art - water

I have done a word art shaped rain drop with words that are related to the water cycle and water.

The water cycle

The water cycle in a bag experiment was really fun to do and the end result was awesome. What happened-  the Bag with the water in it was heated up by the sun and the water started to evaporate. Then the evaporated water started to form on the bag and was turned into condensation. When you pushed on the bag while it was condensation the water dripped down like it precipitated. It fell into the water at the bottom and collected there. Evaporation- When water heats up and turns in to a gas called water vapour. Condensation- The water that evaporated forms into a cloud. Precipitation- When the clouds get to heavy they leak and fall down from the sky. Collection- When the water that fell from the sky falls back in the lakes, rivers and ponds. Here is what the experiment looks like and what the water cycle looks like.